Ye una gran allegría pa nós el que la música d'Asturies vuelva tar presente nuna de les cites más importantes de la escena folki mundial y que seya Llan de Cubel una de les bandes invitaes, tres d'un branu ensin actividá aparente, igual esta invitación val pa que retomen el trabayu d'un discu pol que naguamos yá dende va años, un trabayu discográficu que valga pa cellebrar el 25 aniversariu del grupu, como bien remembra la promoción del festival escocés nel testu que da anuncia de la Asturian Night y que vos dexo darréu:
The mountainous northern Spanish region of Asturias, a close cultural cousin to neighbouring Galicia, nonetheless nurtures its own distinct traditions, strongly informed by the Celtic heritage of Europe’s Atlantic seaboard. Those age-old connections with Scotland, in particular, have been vibrantly rekindled in recent decades, not least by the pioneering band Llan de Cubel, without whom no Asturian gathering at Celtic Connections would be complete. Celebrating their 25th anniversary in 2009, the group are justly regarded as godfathers of the current Asturian folk revival, combining carefully-researched traditional material and instrumentation with deft contemporary touches.
Tonight’s other acts include rising star Anabel Santiago, a dazzling young singer in the ancient Asturian style of tonado, a distant relative to flamenco characterised by its intense, powerful delivery. Her most recent album, 2007’s stunning Desnuda, allies her mesmerising voice with specially written songs by her close collaborator Ismael Arias, amidst a bold mesh of influences from tango to country.
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